I've always been fascinated by the Brass Monkey Flip on the pole. And I really wanted to learn it. Last year, my training partner and I taught myself the Jasmine Flip / Butterfly Flip and I can now do it in my sleep, on the spinning pole and even on the flying pole. But the Brass Monkey Flip - somehow my head always shut down. 😵💫
What is also sometimes very difficult in our training is that when I practice a new flip, I feel like I need to do it 100 times with someone standing next to me - otherwise I don't dare to do it. And in a normal pole course, the trainer simply doesn't have enough time to constantly stand next to you. And every time she helped me, I just jumped somehow. The main thing was to get down. I knew it was wrong, but I could never say exactly what I did wrong.
On Tuesday I took the time during a free period and wanted to practice it. And it just wouldn't work. So I simply broke the flip down into its details and tested it that way. An absolute game changer. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to teach themselves a flip/jump.
I hope you understand the explanations of my pictures, otherwise feel free to check out my reel on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C-M0a3-t5If/

Understanding the process – it is important to understand the process of the Brass Monkey Flip. You don't just hang in the Brass Monkey and jump out. You have to understand where your upper body goes, what your feet do and when to let go of your hands.
Breaking the trick down - My very first step was to bring my outside hand to the ground over the Brass Monkey and then go down like that (like a cartwheel). This way you learn to "jump off" when you look towards the ground.

Make a stop in Genie/Frog . After the Brass Monkey, go into Genie/Frog first. When you are in this position, try jumping out. (Let go of the upper leg first and then turn your hips parallel to the ground). This was an absolute game changer for me. It made me realize that nothing bad can happen. Practice jumping out of Frog a few times!
And now combine everything without stopping: Now try skipping the stopover and jumping straight off. You simply skip hooking your outside leg into the frog and taaaadaaaa! 🎉🎉🎉
The trick is easy to explain, once you've really practiced it. But try out the individual steps and don't give up. If you have a training buddy - perfect! You can help each other and support each other on the hips. Otherwise, don't despair - everything takes time. But once your body understands the movement, it's just a matter of overcoming the urge to jump off.
I hope I was able to help you - I would be happy if you left me a comment here or under my reel - whether you practiced it and managed it. That would make me very happy 🥰
Very best regards