Recently, I had the realization that I’m going to change my training plan and align it even more with my pole goals – without specifically tailoring it to my pole goals. I know, that sounds pretty confusing at first 🤣 – but let me explain:
Due to back pain and tight, inflexible muscles, I figured that I need to work on this issue first. My current training plan includes, in addition to my three pole days and competition training, six hours of strength training.
Based on the feelings and tips of others, I’ve definitely built up enough strength for my pole goals – what I’m mostly missing with these tricks is the correct technique and the right mind-muscle connection.
However, I will still incorporate my complementary, fundamental shoulder and abdominal exercises during my pole classes, but during my pole classes, I want to focus first on properly executing the techniques. Therefore, I’m going to replace my strength training, at least for the time being, with at least one hour of stretching each day. With some of the other pole moves from the trick arsenal, I simply lack the hypermobility. I am flexible, but not as flexible as required for some pole moves.
The stretching sessions will be a mix of split stretching, pancake stretches, and needle scale.
With this change, I hope to counteract my muscle stiffness and at the same time open the door for a lot of flexibility tricks in pole dance. I’m curious to see how these adjustments will affect my training and progress.
Stay tuned for updates! ♥️
